Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Creative Pencil Holder

You don't have to use this as a pencil holder but, that's generally it's purpose. lol I'm doing this project with, well, you'll see. However, you can do this with paint cans and other round items as well. Also, with the paint cans, because they are metal you can use them as pots for your smaller plants. So, onward with the directions!

Here is the container I'm using. It's the container for those little packets of the powder mix for lemonade.

First, you just rip the label off. Don't worry about ripping off the parts that are stuck on the the glue. Those are going to get covered up anyways.

Now, just lay it on top of the paper you're going to use. The area where the paper is stuck is where we're going to put our glue. It won't slip as much this way. I'm using gorilla glue because it was the only glue I could find at the moment but, other glues will work too.

Once you put the glue on and attach the paper wait for it to dry before you cut off the excessive paper you can also cut it off before you glue it on as well. Once it is glued on wrap the paper the rest of the way around and glue it on.

I used construction paper since, well, that's what's in my closet. lol You can use left over wall paper, scrapbook paper, old notes, whatever paper material you want really. I also added some stripes with a different color to make it more interesting.

There it is with some paint brushes! These are a little tall however, if you keep the lid this would be a good place to store colored pencils or crayons.

Hope this inspires you, to get creative at home!

NEXT PROJECT: The shelves I've been talking about!! lol I just have to get the mirrors for them because I can't find them! lol

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