Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tip Of The Day: Saving Leftovers

For now on, I'm going to start doing a tip of the day either, everyday or a few times a week or until I run out of tips! lol I'll only do the tips on the days that I don't have a project to share. This is just to keep the blog active and keep trying to allure people into my site! Here we go!

Tip of the Day: Save Everything!
Well, maybe not everything. Whenever you're finished with a project don't look at the leftovers like "uh, what a mess I have to clean" look at them like "hmm, how many of these things can I use for something else down the road". If you have anything left over no matter how big or small see what kind of condition it is in. If it's in a good enough condition to use later on, save it. You might even think about having a box for your spare "parts". Hey, maybe you can use some of those leftovers to decorate your leftover box!

An example of why doing this is a good thing. I had left over ribbon from the headboard I made. Well, when I bought my white candles and wanted to decorate them to match the room better and not be so boring, all I had to do was use my left over ribbons. It was perfect. Since they were the same ribbon I used on the headboard and the candles were going to be near the bed, they were perfectly coordinated. So, save everything because you never know when you'll want to use it again.

Hope this inspires you, to get creative at home!

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