Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Handmade Tutus

I just thought I would share the tutus I made. If anyone is interested in purchasing one just leace me a comment. They are really affordable and super cute. These aren't the best pictures because I still need to upload the pics of the little girl wearing them but here's a couple samples.

These two are still a little messy from this weekend. This one is actually a neon pink and black. It's more of a punk look.

This one is more of a classic girlie tutu. The pink is actually a lighter, softer pink then this shows. They are both the same length when straightened out and are size 3T. I can make these tutus in any color, size and style. All tutus are custom and handmade. If you'd like one or would like to know about pricing just leave me a comment and I will get back to you.

Still working on my next project! It's a surprise though so, you're going to have to wait to find out what it is! lol

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