Monday, May 19, 2008


I bought these big gold letters from Hobby Lobby. They were half off so I got them for $5 a piece. They are at least 12in tall and then 10-12in wide depending on the letter. The only problem with them is, they are not our style, at all. Here's what I did to make them totally original and our style.

First here's what they looked like in the beginning:

First, I painted them white so that the colors would show up brighter.

We don't get the newspaper so I used construction paper under them. lol

Next, I painted them red.

Ater that, I used silver paint and put drip/splash marks on them.

The color is actually much redder but the flash is messing with the color.

All I used to paint them was acrylic paint. I already had mine but they are just the little bottles of Apple Barrel acrylic paint. You can get them at any craft store or Walmart has them also. I don't remember how much they were but I think they were less than $2. Now I just have to hang them! lol


crazy beautiful mom! said...

I love Hobby Lobby! You can find some great stuff there. I love how you painted them too!

Anonymous said...

I love how you changed them up! I found your blog on the cafemom blog group. Hope to get to know you! Check out our blog:

Kat said...

Those are really pretty! Great job! hobby lobby is the best! I get all my ribbon and tulle from there to make my hairbows and tutu's!!! Great Job!!

Oh by the way thank you so much for the chips and bread advice!!