Friday, May 23, 2008

Turning a Journal Into a Photobook

This doesn't have much to do with decorating the home but I found this journal and realized it was time to do something with it. So, you can get these blank journals just about anywhere and anysize. Any craft store or book store should have them. I got mine at Walden Books. Here is a picture of it open.

You can usually get them in different colors but I had planned on turning it into a creative journal and wanted room to customize it how I wanted it. Well, life had other plans for me! lol Photography is my calling so instead, I'm going to make it more like a creative brag book (one of those small photo albums you can fit in your handbag).

All I did was paint the front and back of it with some acrylic paint I aready had. It's the same paint I used to paint the M&B but different colors. Plain purple isn't that great so I used some stencils and mixed silver in with the purple and put the words: Imagine, dream, create. They sounded like good words to go along with photography. I have a space at the top because I'm going to put either my name or the name I'll be using for my photography business but haven't decided which one yet.

Then all you have to do is use a little dot of glue in each corner of the photo and put it on the paper! From there you can put decorations on the page or talk about the photo. The rest is up to you.

When you're putting your photos in the book make sure you remember the following: Use quality prints or skip pages. Sooner or later the photos are going to start diminishing from rubbing against each other. Page protectors are available in different sizes.

Also, when you're putting photos in and you have photos that go side to side make sure they all face the same direction. So, if you have to turn the book to the left to look at one photo, it should go to the left for all photos. This just makes it easier for people to look at.

If you're wanting to do a journal, like I originally wanted but, don't know where to start...Start with a picture. You can use your favorite picture and explain why it's your favorite picture or a family picture and talk about your family. If you're a shutterbug like me you can pick your favorite picture from the day or the most relevant photo and talk about it and the events leading up to it and after it.

Hope this inspires you!


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