Friday, May 23, 2008

Homemade Headboard

I actually saw this on an HGTV show a couple years back. I just finished mine though. Unfortunately, I think it might be too big or something. My hubby hasn't seen it yet though so maybe he'll confirm my sneaking suspicion that I'm just crazy! lol

Making a headboard is really simple. All you need is:

A sheet of wood whatever size you want your headboard
Quilt batting
Fabric in whatever color or pattern you want
Staple gun, and obviously, staples lol

All you have to do is start with a piece of wood the size you want your headboard to be. You don't need any expensive fancy wood. The piece I used is about a half inch thick and something my dad just happened to have in his garage. Here's a picture of the back of my finished headboard so you can see the wood. I forgot to take pictures of it before I started.

Once you have the wood you just put some quilt batting over the whole piece. You just layer it however thick you want your headboard to be. Once again, forgot to take pictures from the beginning so you're gonna have to use your imagination on the next couple of steps.
After you have it how thick you want it you wrap the material over the whole thing and around the back a little bit. This is where you need your staple gun. From here you just staple the fabric and batting to the back of the wood.
On my headboard I used red ribbon and had it go diagonally across the head board in two directions. Then I put a button at every intersection. Learn from my mistake. Use small staples and staple where the button is going to go first. This way, you can just sew the button to the staple and not the headboard and the whole process will go much faster! lol
Here is my finished headboard.

These are one of the easiest headboards to make especially when it's not a king size like mine! lol This would probably be even easier for a smaller headboard. Either way about it, it's easy. It only takes a few hours worth of work. Although, I advise taking breaks other wise your little fingers are going to be hurting from all the buttons! Also, I forgot to mention. To put the ribbon on I used what is called Liquid Stitch (stitchless sewing). It's with the fabric/sewing supplies. One tube was enough to do my whole king size headboard.

Hope this inspires you!

NEXT PROJECT: Entertainment center from a really old crappy tv stand and shelves that have been taking up space in my closet!

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